Minimalism in clothes can seem boring: it’s a modest choice, a minimum of colors, and no prints. On the contrary, a large wardrobe with a complete variety of colors, styles and colors seems perfect. But both in the first and in the second case there are pitfalls. Therefore, the best option for many is a trendy minimalism. It allows you to look concise, but not boring.

In fact, the basic principles of a comfortable minimalist wardrobe are quite simple. It is enough to include essentials, models that you like and fashion novelties in it. You will save money along the way! You will buy things complementing your existing wardrobe, and not hanging idle in the closet. You will also save time because your wardrobe will be smaller and most of the items in it will perfectly complement each other. This will put an end to the constant problems that there are a lot of clothes, but there is nothing to wear.

Of course, minimalism in clothes is not suitable for everyone, but even real shopping goddesses should definitely take note of some tricks from it.



The beauty of a laconic style is that it takes into account trends and current prints, and also allows you to focus on the silhouette. This means that now is the time to experiment with interesting new products. Instead of the same white shirt that you can find in any store, look for one that features a new silhouette, an unusual neckline, or interesting sleeves.



If you want to make a minimalist outfit more attractive, make sure you choose the right accent. For example, combine simple trousers with an unusual top or a basic dress with an interesting jacket. Similarly, a basic T-shirt goes great with a pleated skirt, while dark skinny jeans are the perfect companion for a flounced top. You can even consider accessories as the main accents.



A minimalist wardrobe involves fewer clothes, but at the same time they should be combinable with each other as much as possible, and not boring. That is why this is a great chance to go beyond the usual style. Now you can look for new styles to get a completely new look. Many women are often afraid of experiments in clothing. They are sure that no other silhouette will suit them and are very surprised when their assumptions are not justified. For example, if all your current clothes are tight fitting, try something loose. You will be surprised how different you will feel.



Many minimalists have only a few colors in their closet: white, grey, dark blue and usually lots of black. This, of course, is not the only color scheme option, but it prevails in most cases. A well-planned contrast will go a long way in adding interest to your simple piece and a few accessories.


One of the main advantages of trendy minimalism is that it implies the presence of things that harmoniously complement each other. And this means that it is better to buy models made of quality materials. For example, instead of buying dozens of pairs of low-quality shoes, consider buying a few good and versatile shoes. Instead of changing your handbag with every outfit, try to find a bag that goes well with everything or almost everything in your closet.