Accessories are the easiest way to make any of your outfits trendy. After all, fashion is so fleeting, probably only movie stars, models and fashion influencers can keep up with it. But by the way, even all the categories of fashionistas listed above, as a rule, do not buy clothes for themselves: they either rent or accept as a gift from brands that want to be “friends” with them for the purpose of mutually beneficial PR. There are also some nuances, but we will not go into them. It’s better to tell you what to do for ordinary girls who really want to look stylish and are not ready to spend a million on shopping.

There is a way out – choose stylish belts! We will now tell you which waist belts to choose this season and how to wear them.


These belts can be worn individually or together, putting one on top of the other. The main thing is not to tighten it “according to the classics”: let the free tip either hang or be somehow carelessly wrapped around the belt. What color to choose? We recommend recalling all the trends of the current season, as well as trendy prints. For example, we found a real hit for you in VOVK online store: a thin belt with a snake pattern. We put it on over a white shirt, any plain dress – and rejoice in our fashion enlightenment!


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This trend is the opposite to the previous one, but it gained great popularity among fashionistas: such a modern waistband is simply perfect for those who want to create a “wasp” waist, even if it has never been there. In general, a wide belt is the perfect option for those who love feminine silhouettes!

How to style it? Use this belt with voluminous clothing! Choose dresses with puff sleeves, shirts with balloon sleeves, bellflower skirts – in general, use your imagination. Such a wide belt instantly “stretches” the silhouette, creating a feminine and concise look.


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Remember we talked about the trend for straw accessories, as well as hats, handbags… Designers got their bearings very quickly, and already this year they presented belts made of straw (or reminiscent of them). In general, focus on the resort theme – the belt may not be made of straw at all, but simply have a similar color and texture.

We are sure that it’s even better – we won’t tell you how long the straw belt will serve you, but we are sure that it’s definitely less than the “classic” made of leather or eco-leather. Trends are trends, but better buy a practical belt!


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The trend for the eighties and nineties will not leave us in any way – the beauty of this trend is that there was so much going on in fashion that now you can inherit different years of these decades – and never repeat the look. It can be grunge, glamour, gothic and theatrical.

The “rave era” of the 80s and 90s is reflected in plastic accessories: last year everyone was talking about transparent patent leather bags, and now it’s time for transparent and patent belts! They can be colorless or overlap with some element of your look. For example, a striking red belt will perfectly complement an all-white look with a lace Victorian dress, rocker boots or sandals and contrasting scarlet lipstick.


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As you can see, accessories are good because with their help you can diversify almost any look, make it more interesting, stylish and trendy. And if you now have just that wonderful period when you really want something new, and you still have to live and live before your salary, with our selection you will easily find how to diversify and supplement your wardrobe without much damage to your budget.