Perhaps the best way to assess the inner state of a girl is to look at her wardrobe and what she wears. Most psychologists have long said that women’s clothing says much more about its owner than her actions.

But what about those girls who simply cannot pick up interesting looks for themselves and use only basic shades in clothes? Do they really need to see a stylist? Not at all. First you just need to figure out why there are no bright colors in the wardrobe. Believe me, most of the girls simply do not know how to combine bright colors correctly and create a look with such clothes that attract special attention.

Today we will try to understand this issue and learn how to correctly select colorful shades for stylish sets for every day.


Have you decided to bring more bright colors into your life? Then you should understand which colors are right for you. To do this, you need to determine your color type and understand which color will be perfect for this type.

  • Spring (light-skinned girls with light blond hair, brown, gray or blue eyes, pink lips and blush)

The best colors for such girls in clothes are blue, light green, lilac, azure and yellow.

  • Winter (dark-haired girls with fair skin and green, dark brown, or blue eyes)

Brunettes are ideal for all shades of blue, green, red and purple.

  • Autumn (red-haired or copper-colored hair with golden skin and expressive eyes of a girl)

Autumn girl’s best friends are olive, all shades of green – from turquoise to emerald and red.

  • Summer (girls who have grayish-pink skin that turns golden when tanned, cold ash-colored hair and very light eyes)

These girls just need to add such bright colors as yellow, blue, green and blue to their looks. And the richer the shades are, the better.


Now you already know what colors to pay attention to, and it’s time to incorporate them into your everyday looks. Here are a few tips on how to start doing it competently and in stages.

  •         In order not to immediately go for fundamental experiments, start with the simplest – add a bright element to your usual outfit, for example, an accessory. The perfect solution would be a bag, shoes, glasses or a scarf.

  •         Next – gradually introduce a bright color into the look itself. Choose one bright item, such as a blouse, shirt or sweater, and complement the set with a calm base – jeans, trousers, skirt. All this will create the right set with one accent piece and in this way you will definitely not make a mistake and will not look bright as a “parrot”.

  •        The next stage is the combination of several related shades (those that are nearby in the spectrum). They are easy to find in the Internet. Example: green with blue, purple with pink, yellow with orange, etc. Don’t be afraid to add these multiple colors to one look.

  •       Another bold feature that stylists suggest using is to combine two opposite colors in one look. For example, yellow with purple, red with green, or orange with blue.


  •         The ideal and trendy color combination today is considered to be a total look – an outfit of one color. This option accurately characterizes very brave and stylish girls. A bright trouser suit, top or shirt, accessory and shoes in the same color scheme will conquer absolutely everyone.

Do not be afraid to experiment and dilute your boring looks with interesting colors. Add bright colors to your life, and you will definitely notice how it will play in a new way! Good luck!