Make-up can save a mediocre look, or vice versa, ruin a piece made by a famous designer. We will share how to do a make-up that would look harmonious with the assembled set of clothes.
Follow these simple rules to achieve a beautiful combination of your look and make-up:
- do a classic make-up for an office look;
- bright wings for evening outings, and traditional ones — for daytime make-up;
- focus on one thing in the evening make-up — either the lips or the eyes.
These general rules will help you not to get confused at the moment of compiling a look.
Classic make-up is often called exemplary, as it is characterized by sophistication and restraint. To do it, you need to even out the tone of the face with a properly selected foundation. And then use a corrector on top of it to eliminate skin imperfections and a concealer to hide circles under the eyes. Blush should not be bright if it is a makeup for every day. The main task of a classic make-up is to give the face a healthy look. In the classic options, one of the main roles is played by eyebrows. Correct their shape, emphasize the color with a pencil and fix with a special gel. To make the eyes look expressive, it is enough to use mascara. Day makeup does not involve bright lips, so in this case it is enough to apply a care balm. This is a great make-up for the office, as it looks harmonious with plain clothes in basic colors.
The wings are appropriate for both daytime makeup and evening makeup. The main thing here is to pay attention to the details. For an evening out, it is better to make ultra-wide wings. And don’t be afraid to experiment — draw double wings, graphic, with rhinestones and even glitter. Accordingly, the wings for daytime makeup should be neat and thin. Their main task is to give expression to the look, and not to draw attention to themselves. To make the wings look breathtaking, start by leveling the skin tone, continuing with concealer and corrector for imperfect areas. In order to ensure clear lines of wings throughout the day or an important evening, pre-apply eyeshadow base on the eyelid. And only after you draw a wing, start painting your eyelashes with mascara.
The wings look great against the background of fluffy skirts, flounces, ruffles and bows. They are best suited to emphasize a romantic look.
Evening make-up is done on a special occasion. Its main task is to attract attention to itself. If you choose a “self-talking” outfit for the event, then it is better to make the make-up more restrained and vice versa.
Classic make-up can be the basis. And to make your look really festive, instead of the base wing, draw a bright glitter on top. If the task is to quickly create a festive look, then you can simply complement the minimal eye make-up with bright lipstick.
Your make-up and look constitute a single concept. If you do make-up in accordance with the characteristics of the chosen clothes, then the look will be remembered for a long time.